» About Us
Since Wellcore's foundation in 2007, we always sought the answer to the question: Can we build better houses for less money? The art of finding the right balance between quality, design and money shaped us into a truly unique construction company with over a hundred satisfied homeowners across different parts of the GTA.
» What We Provide
From most common second or third floor additions, to back of house additions, to variation of multiple additions on all four sides of the house, and more.
Wellcore’s experience and knowledge offers a unique approach to manage your custom home design & building process.
Wellcore’s experience and knowledge offers a unique approach to manage your custom home design & building process.
WellCore is an experienced builder with an internal architectural department & design team to create a detailed plan and drawings to obtain permits.
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Hidden Dangers of Low Estimates.We all love deals and discounts. We feel proud when we secure better mortgage rates or higher salaries. Not only does it help with family finances, but we also feel good about ourselves and our negotiating skills. And why wouldn’t we try to lower construction costs a bit?
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Renovate or Relocate? Find your answer with Wellcore.
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