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Less than a year ago, On May 10, 2023, the Toronto City Council adopted the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to permit Duplex, Triplex, and Fourplex development citywide as a measure to solve the housing crisis. That opened a door for massive investment opportunities for regular homeowners and professional real estate players.
Suppose you own a small bungalow or detached house. In that case, it is an incredible opportunity to gain additional substantial income, which can help you achieve your bucket list: early retirement, the best education for the kids, or traveling around the globe. Most of the residential lots in Toronto can be transformed into rental properties without significant zoning battles or fees. Investing in rental properties is guaranteed income, which will be passed on to future generations.
Duplex, Triplex, and Fourplex houses look like any regular Torontonian house on the street. It's not bigger than any neighboring custom home; you will hardly notice any difference with the naked eye. However, it splits into 2,3 or 4 apartments. Each apartment is an independent unit with its entrance, kitchen, washroom(s), and utilities. You can rent out all the units or keep one for yourself. It is like renting out a basement but four times more profitable!
Wellcore Corporation is a unique construction company. Its design and construction teams are bonded into one entity, which can simultaneously provide your multiplex project with architectural and construction solutions.
We have gained profound and thorough experience in the last 17 years, developing multiunit projects from the first meeting with the homeowner to the final inspection. Designing layouts, obtaining permits, and building duplexes, triplexes, or even fourplexes require unique know-how and construction techniques that do not come with regular residential construction practice. Wellcore Corporation will provide you with the manpower of a large corporation to back up your multiplex project.
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