Architect vrs Engineer

When designing a home it is a very common misconception that an “architectural engineer” is a construction trade that helps you in the design of your home. In reality these do not exist.   Although an architect and an engineer are quite similar  construction professions they are responsible for completely different aspects of design. Like two sides of the same coin.  


An architect is primarily responsible for the design and the overall aesthetic and functional features of a build both exterior and interior. The architects focus on developing a design concept that meets the needs of the client while also complying with safety codes, regulations, and environmental standards. Similarly to a designer, an architect is there to consider the building's purpose, style, materials, and layout, and often work closely with the client to ensure the design meets their requirements and expectations.


On the other hand, an engineer is responsible for your home not falling apart, meaning technical and structural aspects of a build. They are skilled in applying scientific and mathematical principles to develop practical solutions to complex problems. They focus on ensuring that the building or structure is structurally sound, safe, and functional. They determine the appropriate materials and methods to use in construction to ensure that the design of the architect  meets safety and building code requirements, to ensure the safety of the structure over time.


Both architects and engineers are essential in the construction and design process, as their roles are complementary. Architects provide the creative vision, while engineers provide the technical expertise needed to make the vision a reality. They work together to ensure that the final product is both, meeting the needs and wants of the client, as well as meets the codes and regulations of the city. Without an architect, the client may not be getting what they are envisioning, and without an engineer, the building or structure may not be safe or structurally sound, leading to potentially catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it is essential to have both an architect and an engineer working together to ensure that a construction project is successful across the board.

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